Midnight, Texas Episode #5 Review – Runaway Bride!!

The main plot of this week’s episode of Midnight, Texas is that Manfred’s past is coming to get him, Fiji gets kidnapped and hank goes to rescue her. Also Manfred’s past is not all it’s cracked up to be.

The things that I enjoyed about the episode are that we learn more about why Manfred is being pursued by high tower and high tower turns out to be a black magic user with incredible powers. Also I enjoyed that Manfred and creeks relationship goes through a rocky time in this episode but their relationship grows stronger because of it and overall their relationship is stronger than ever. Also the fact that his past is now behind him he can focus on the future and maybe finally live a life not on the run and looking over his shoulders. Also the vampire is very over powered the fact the he was walking towards like seven people with assault rifles and he was shrugging off the bullets like its nothing, Then he says “That Hurt” Giving the scene comedic value. I dislike the fact that Bobo is like invincible, is he the supernatural or just a very tough shell of a man. 

Overall the episode was mainly focused the past of Manfred and that it has came to bite him in the arse. The fact that he is not leaving Texas is a good thing because it means he can focus on the relationships he has with the whole town. Maybe we will see some new friendships and man show actual fighting by Manfred and hopefully some new abilities we didn’t know he had.

Make sure to comment you Favourite moments and views down below.

Question: What’s your opinion on Manfred’s relationship with Creek?

-Rory Smith
Twitter - @RoarCoreMania
